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This document cannot be marked for voiding when voiding a payables payment that has been applied to a historical invoice.

Hi everyone-

I wanted to take some time today to provide an alternate solution to an error we've encountered several times.

The issue is when a GP User attempts to void a payment in the Void Open Payables Transaction window, they receive This document cannot be marked for voiding. It has been either partially applied or is on hold.

This document cannot be marked for voiding

A few scenarios that we've seen this issue occur with are:

Scenario One: This error occurs after a posting interruption on a Check Run. If you’ve experienced a posting interruption while performing a Check Run, you will want to review Continue a check run that was interrupted - Dynamics GP | Microsoft Docs first.

Scenario Two: When the following conditions are true you can use our already published This document cannot be marked for voiding error when voiding a payables transaction - Dynamics GP | Microsoft Docs

  • You have not applied any payments to the transaction.
  • The transaction is not on hold.

Scenario Three: When the following conditions are true you can continue to read a suggested solution:

  • The payment is partially applied to an invoice.
  •  The invoice applied to the payment is in history while the payment is still open.

I would encourage you complete the following first in a test company, if this is not possible, please make sure there is a recent restorable backup of the company database.
KB - Set up a test company that has a copy of live company data for Microsoft Dynamics GP by using Microsoft SQL Server

*Note the option for whether Post to General Ledger or Post Through General Ledger Files is checked.
Administration >> Setup >> Posting >> Posting

This comes into play when it comes to the Miscellaneous Charge, if you do not want this to reflect, I’d suggest having the option Post to General Ledger only checked, you can then delete the corresponding General Ledger batches (Financial >> Transactions >> Financial >> Batches), if you have Post Through General Ledger Files, you will need to review your distribution accounts for accuracy and adjust if necessary.

Posting Setup Purchasing Payables Trx EntryPosting Setup Purchasing Apply To

Posting Setup Purchasing Void Historical TrxPosting Setup Purchasing Void Open Trx

I have included below an example of how Scenario 3 occurs:

1. I have made a payment to ADVANCED0001 for $1,250.00.

Payables Payment Zoo

1a. On this payment, I have applied for one invoice for $500.00, leaving amount remaining of $750.00 on the payment.

 Payables Apply Zoom

For some unforeseen circumstances, I need to void payment, but receive the This document cannot be marked for voiding message when I select the payment.

The error in this situation is occurring because the invoice that is applied to the payment is fully applied and in history. You will not be able to void the payment with a historical invoice applied.

2. The solution in these situations will require you to create a MISC document for the Amount Remaining on the payment. In our case I’ll be creating a Misc Charge for $750.00.

Note*You can either delete the corresponding General Ledger entry that is created or leave as we will be voiding it in a later step which will “wash” this entry.

2a. Payables Transaction Entry Zoom

3. I applied this Misc Charge to the payment causing both the payment and Misc Charge to move to history.

 Payables Apply Zoom Misc Charge

4. Once all my documents are in history, I will use the Void Historical Transaction feature to void the payment.

Purchasing >> Transactions >> Void Historical Transactions

Void Historical Payables TransactionsVoid Historical Payables Transactions Posting Journal

Once the payment is voided, but the Misc Charge and Invoice will be brought back into open to be applied.

5. At this point, you will want to void the Misc Charge.

Depending on whether you deleted the corresponding General Ledger entry in step 1, you will either want to delete this entry or post.
Void Open Payables TransactionsVoid Open Payables Transactions Posting Journal

6. (OPTIONAL)If desired, you could use the Remove Payables Transaction History on the Miscellaneous Charge to remove from system.
Purchasing >> Utilities >> Remove Transaction History

Remove Payables Transaction History

Once completed, you should be able to apply the invoice that had been applied to this payment to another.

After verifying that these steps worked in test, you should be okay to implement in production. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and hope this helps many of you get past the This document cannot be marked for voiding. It has been either partially applied or is on hold. 

Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

Until next time.
Nicole Sutton
Support Engineer
Microsoft Dynamics


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