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In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Create a Company

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In an earlier post, I thought it important to clarify terminology around companies and environments in Dynamics BC. In a later post, I will show how to create a new environment, but in this one I am going to focus on creating a new company.

When we signed up for a free trial of Dynamics BC, an environment was created which contained the Cronus tst company and a second company called My Company which could be used for a live company, but I’d prefer to start from scratch so I know exactly what has been done.

So, I want to create a new company. Do this by clicking the “Tell me what you want to do” magnifying glass in the top right and type companies; under Go to Pages and Tasks, select Companies:

Tell me what you want to do lookup

In the Companies window click the New button n the toolbar:

Companies window

When the assisted setup for creating a new company, click on Next:

Create New Company assisted setup welcome step

Enter a name of the company and choose the type of data which should be imported:

Name your company and select the type of data

There will be three options available to choose from:

  1. Evaluation – Sample Data – is a company similar to the demonstration company with both sample and setup data. You can create these companies without switching to a 30-day trial period (which the other types require).
  2. Production – Setup Data Only – is a company similar to the My Company company with setup data, but without sample data. This company can be used for a 30-day trial period.
  3. Create New – No Data – a blank company without setup data. This company can be used for a 30-day trial period.

Next you need to select the users who will have access to the new company. Click Manage Users to select the users:

Manage users of the new company window

In the User Lookup window select the users to assign to the new company; you can hold the control key down to select multiple rows; click OK when all users have been selected:

User Lookup

If you’re happy with the user selection, click Next to accept and proceed:

Manage users of the new company listing the selected users

Click Finish to create the new company (which might take a few minutes):

Confirm creation of the new company

A message box will be displayed confirming the company has been created and that it can take a few minutes for the setup to finish:

Confirmation message
Company has been created, but we are still setting it up for you.
This may take up to 10 minutes, so take a short break before you begin to use it.

Read original post In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Create a Company at azurecurve|Ramblings of an IT Professional

This was originally posted here.


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