Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 - Schedule Check Links
Customers are now able to set up a schedule to run Check Links outside of normal business hours. This will let them run the processes without having to manually select them. A customer can setup which logical file groups they want to run check links on. This process will utilize the Report Scheduler setup and functionality, so it will require that a Microsoft Dynamics GP is open and logged into the correct company. Also, this feature is just scheduling the existing Check Links processes, so performance is not expected to be any different than manually running them.
First, in order to set a default location for the Checks Links reports to save you can go to Tools>Routines>Company>Report Setup to open Report Schedule Setup. This is not a required step for scheduling Check Links.
To select which check links you want to schedule you will navigate to the Report Schedule window at Tools>Routines>Company>Report Schedule:
This list will populate depending on what dictionaries you have loaded on the client you have logged into. The Report Option for the new records will be "Check Links". You can choose the frequency of Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and you have further options for Every Day, Weekdays or every X number of days. If you had setup a default publish location in the Report Scheduler Setup window this will default to that location, otherwise you will need to enter a location before you are able to apply your selections.
If you want to remove reports from being scheduled you would use the Report Catalog Maintenance window at Tools>Routines>Company>Report Catalog Maintenance:
If you would like to see a future feature added for time option VOTE for this suggestion.
For more documentation on our new features please check out our Microsoft Dynamics GP New Feature Blog Series!
Lucas Miller
Microsoft Dynamics
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