In this section we will see how do we setup Visual studio code locally on NAV 2018 server.
Hereby I assume that NAV 2018 is already installed on local machine .
You can download Visual studio code from Visual Studio Code
After Installing NAV 2018 and Visual Studio Code follow following steps to enable Visual studio code for writing extension and AL code.
- Enable Developer Service endpoint from NAV server instance
2) Setup Web Client Base URL
Mention the web client url address .for example :- http://localhost:8080/dynamicsnav110/
Once all changes done in service then restart the service.
3) Open Visual studio code and Install VSIX file from media
You will find .vsix file in NAV 2018 Media file in folder ..\NAV.11.0.22292.W1.DVD\ModernDev\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\Modern Development Environment\ALLanguage.Vsix
This will install AL language in visual studio code
4) Press CTRL+SHIFT+P and select command AL:GO in order to select a location and create a folder with default file of an extension
5) Setup Launch .JSON file
Change server instance to DynamicsNAV110 and authentication to Windows
6) Press CTRL+SHIFT+P and use command to download symbols AL:Download Symbols
7) Pres CTRL+F5 to publish the Helloworld.AL extension which extends customer list page and same id is mention in startupobjectid parameters of launch .json file
Once publish you will get following in web client
Get ready for extension development with this….
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