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Don’t Invest In Marketing Efforts That Do Not Deliver ROI

Popular social site, Facebook, makes a good point – don’t advertise on their platform unless you can determine that you’ll have a return on your investment (ROI). This suggestion that has gone unsaid for so long rings true on many other levels. No matter which platforms you choose for your marketing and advertising efforts, know what you are getting into before spending a single dollar.

Facebook wants to make sure advertisers have a plan before advertising on their platform, according to “Facebook: Don’t Advertise With Us If You Don’t See Clear ROI,” posted by Matt Kapko on Specifically, Brian Boland, vice president of ad tech at Facebook, suggests “businesses shouldn’t advertise on Facebook if they aren’t sure of the ROI”. Which is a great reminder regardless of where you are considering your next advertising investment.

Boland indicates that Facebook is focused on “people-based marketing” and they are working toward providing advertisers with the tools needed to use Facebook to reach their target audience and measure the effectiveness of their ads. The ability to measure the results of advertising efforts, whether advertising on Facebook or other platforms, is key to knowing whether campaigns are reaching the right people and are effective enough to pique interest to generate a lead or turn leads into sales. Businesses can monitor and measure marketing and advertising efforts with a robust customer relationship management (CRM) solution such as Microsoft Dynamics® CRM.

Businesses can use Microsoft Dynamics CRM to manage each advertising campaign, track lead management, and measure the effectiveness or ROI of those activities. As you get to know your customers better and how they respond to your marketing efforts, on each platform, you can learn how to plan more strategic campaigns to improve that ROI. You can also gain greater control over spending, investing in channels or campaigns that deliver the results you plan for while also improving branding, conversion rates, and strengthening relationships with customers. Create better marketing campaigns, provide greater customer experiences, and drive revenue with the support of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

You heard it from the social network itself – don’t invest in marketing if you aren’t sure you can realize a ROI. Contact Columbus to learn more about using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to optimize the ROI for each of your marketing efforts.

By Columbus, a Global Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM Partner

Don’t Invest In Marketing Efforts That Do Not Deliver ROI is a post from: CRM Software Blog

The post Don’t Invest In Marketing Efforts That Do Not Deliver ROI appeared first on CRM Software Blog.

This was originally posted here.


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