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Playing the “Catch Up” Game with ERP Software

If you’ve recently taken a vacation, then the “catch up” game is fresh in your mind.  Not many of us have a job where we can easily pass off duties while we take a much deserved vacation, but I am lucky to say enterprise resource planning (ERP) software saved me quite a few times so I could actually enjoy my time off.

Using the right ERP software solution, such as Microsoft Dynamics® GP, can make taking a vacation a little easier on the peace of mind.  You don’t have to worry about your team not knowing what to do while you are away.  Microsoft Dynamics GP is an easy to use software solution.  Like other commonly-used Microsoft products, your team will be familiar with the look and features, making it easy to learn and even easier to use.  If you need to hand off a job task to a co-worker, it wouldn’t take much training for them to learn what to do in your short absence.  Before leaving, you can set up alerts to remind you to check on important events or activities upon your return.

I’m not saying it’s right for you to work while on vacation, but we often do.  Depending on your deployment options, you may be able to access your critical business data via any web-enabled device, such as your tablet or Smartphone.  If you absolutely must, you could route approvals, answer questions, or handle important projects or services while on vacation.

When you do return to the office after a vacation, you can quickly check up on what happened while you were away by using the Business Analyzers.  Review the key performance indicators that you have been tracking to see how business has progressed while you were out of the office.  Drill down to get more detail about specific metrics and delegate follow-up activities if needed.  Clicking through Microsoft Dynamics GP for real-time data is much quicker and easier than reading through piles of reports from your colleagues or sitting in meeting after meeting.

Before Microsoft Dynamics GP, returning from a much needed vacation often meant a few late nights to get caught up on all that I missed.  After Microsoft Dynamics GP, I can take a restful vacation, not worry about the business, and get caught up without the late nights.  Contact Socius for more information about how Microsoft Dynamics GP can help you relax better on your next vacation.

By Socius, Ohio Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner


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