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Integrating NetSuite and MailChimp with Cazoomi

Although NetSuite is known for its great Marketing and CRM tools, many businesses are used to creating their email blasts and campaigns with MailChimp.

MailChimp is an email marketing tool used to create, send and track email campaigns. It is extremely easy to use and it provides a wealth of great email templates that will look professional in almost any email client.

Cazoomi is a third party cloud solution provider that is now providing an integration/synchronization between NetSuite and MailChimp. Syncapps, by Cazoomi, is the solution that allows you to sync your Contacts, Leads or Customers in NetSuite with your MailChimp Campaign lists.

The following article explains how to set up and configure your MailChimp account with SyncApps.

To reap the full benefits of the instructions below, you need to have some experience with MailChimp, have Administrator rights of your NetSuites Instance and have registered with Syncapps here:

Part 1: MailChimp Configuration

Setting up the required fields & lists in MailChimp

1. Set up a List in MailChimp
For information on how to set up the lists in MailChimp please see this page:

2. Create Merge Tags in MailChimp

  • On your MailChimp Dashboard, click on the 'Lists' link.
  • Click on your MailChimp List
  • In the top-right corner of your screen, select:
      • Settings >> List fields and *|MERGE|* tags

Merge Tags in MailChimp

  • Click on the [Add a field] button

Add a Field in MailChimp

  • Add the fields that you will need to map to your MailChimp template and your campaign. I used:
      • Address
      • Phone
      • Campaign ID

Add a Field in MailChimp II

3. Create Groups in MailChimp (Optional)
For more information on how to create groups in MailChimp, please see this page:

4. Get MailChimp's API Key
In order to set up the Syncapps integration with NetSuite, you will need to generate an API key in MailChimp

  • In MailChimp, click on your Username.
  • Navigate to: Extras >> API Keys >> Click on the [Create A Key] button

Get MailChimp API

  • Copy and save your API key as you will need it in the 2nd part of this article.

API Keys in MailChimp

Part 2: Setting Up Cazoomi Sync Configuration

  • Log-in to Cazoomi:
  • Click on your Sync Profile Link in the first ‘Profile Name' column. If you don't have a profile yet, set it up by clicking on the [Create a New Sync Profile] button.

Setting up your profile in Cazoomi

  • Once in the Sync record, click [Edit] then the [Next] button.

NetSuite to MailChimp Integration Cazoomi

  • Note: When you are creating a new sync you will need to choose a 'Sync Type', see the image below.
  • Warning: When you are editing your profile, make sure you Click on [Save] after every step as Cazoomi does not do a great job of saving you selections as you move to subsequent steps.

MailChimp NetSuite Integration

  • Hit next and follow the 4 steps below.

Step 1 - NetSuite Configuration

Please enter the following information::

  • Username: Enter your NetSuite Username
  • Password: Your NetSuite Password
  • Account ID: Your NetSuite Account ID.

Here is how you can get to this information:

      • Login to your NetSuite as an Administrator
      • Navigate to Setup >> Integration >> Web Services Preferences
      • You will find your Account ID on this screen

Find Account ID in NetSuite

  • Use NetSuite Sandbox Account: Check only if you are testing this setup with NetSuite’s Sandbox Account.
  • Use NetSuite Saved Search: Check this check-box as it will give you control of what you are syncing with MailChimp.
      • In NetSuite you will have to create a Saved Search : List >> Search >> Saved Searches >> New : Customer
      • Once your Saved Search is completed, make sure you note its 'Internal ID'. This can be found by running the search and locating the search’s ID parameter in the address bar.

NetSuite Saved Search

  • Next step is to type in the Internal ID you just located, select 'Customer' in the 'Type' dropdown and finally add a Mailchimp group name if available. MailChimp groups are similar to NetSuite’s 'Subscriptions'. For more information on how to set them up in MailChimp please see this page:

  • Sync Email Marketing Data: Check this check-box as it will allow you to transfer marketing campaign statistics from MailChimp to NetSuite.
  • New Subscriber Object Type: I selected a 'Lead', which means that should I have more contacts in my MailChimp list than in NetSuite, these will be imported (synced with) to NetSuite as Leads.
  • Default Subsidiary: If you have a One World Account, here you would enter the name of your Sub.

NetSuite Configuration in Cazoomi

Step 2 - MailChimp Setup

Please enter the following information:

  • API Key:  Copy and paste the API key you generated in the first (MailChimp) part of this article (step 4).
  • Sync Master List: Copy and paste the Mailchimp List you created in the first part of this article
  • Group Title to Use: Optional, if you setup a group in MailChimp, here you can specify the group’s title.

MailChimp setup in Cazoomi

  • Do not sync unsubscribed status to NetSuite: I left this unchecked since I want this status to sync with NetSuite.
  • Do not sync new MailChimp subscribers to NetSuite: I unchecked this check-box, as I want to create new Leads if they are not already in NetSuite.

NetSuite to MailChimp Setup

Step 3 - Sync Add-ons

Skip this step as it's not relevant to this integration.

Step 4 - Field Mapping

Please enter the following information:

  • Enable Additional Field Mappings: Check this box.
  • NetSuite Fields: Locate the field from your Saved Search (Step 1)
  • MailChimp Fields: Locate a relevant MailChimp field
  • Mapping Direction: I selected 'Both' you have 3 options:
      • NS to MailChimp
      • MailChimp to NS
      • Both
  • Click on the [Add Mapping] button
  • Redo all the above steps until you complete the mapping with all your MailChimp fields.

Field Mapping in Cazoomi

  • Once you have completed the mapping click on the [Finish] button.

Step 5 -Syncing

  •  In the 'Actions' section click on the [Sync Now] button.

Integrating MailChimp with NetSuite

  • The syncing process will run for few minutes depending on how many records are being synced.
  • Once completed, you will see the following message and you will be able to download relevant sync reports:

Sync Report

Step 6 - Validate the Information in MailChimp

  • In MailChimp, go to your list, click on 'Stats' dropdown to the right
  • Select ‘Manage Subscribers’
  • Click on Groups, To the right click on the [View Groups] button
  • If the sync was a success, you should be able to see new subscribers to your group.


  • Click on the 'subscribers' link to see the detailed information and possible errors.

NetSuite Marketing Integration

  • In my example, most of my leads don't have First and Last Names, so I will have to cleanup my leads in NetSuite.

I hope this article was helpful and it will get you going with NetSuite’s Marketing Integration with MailChimp. Should you have any questions, discoveries and helpful tips, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Written by Ilija Budimir, Sr. NetSuite Consultant

FMT Consultants

By FMT Consultants,  a leading NetSuite partner and consulting firm.


Integrating NetSuite and MailChimp with Cazoomi is a post from: ERP Cloud Software

The post Integrating NetSuite and MailChimp with Cazoomi appeared first on ERP Cloud Software.


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