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How can you go ALL IN at #NAVUGSummit?

Momentum is building for #NAVUGSummit and Members are already planning how they will go ALL IN.  Going ALL IN means different things to different NAVUG Members.


The good news is NAVUG offers many opportunities to go ALL IN. Learn, Engage, Share or Volunteer. Perhaps you will join a Special Interest Group (SIG) (Engage) or answer a question on Collaborate (Share). Or maybe this is the year you will take the plunge to become a local Chapter leader (Volunteer) or register for an upcoming Academy course (Learn). It doesn’t matter how you go ALL IN – the NAVUG community will thank you for paying it forward AND you will have the opportunity to win a daily grand prize valued at $500 by going ALL IN.


More details to come next week but we promise you won’t get wet when you go ALL IN– unlike the NAVUG team who took the go ALL IN idea literally.


Share how you will go ALL IN #INreno15! Tweet us - @NAVUG - using the #INreno15 hashtag or comment below.


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