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Demand Forecasting with Azure Machine Learning Series

Ilanit Manor Profile Picture Ilanit Manor Community Manager

Demand Forecasting with Azure Machine Learning Series

This two-part series will cover the Forecasting functionality available in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Azure Machine Learning Services. Part 1 will cover the functional setup and process in Dynamics and best practices for implementing this functionality. Part 2 will cover the implementation guidance and best practices for the Azure Machine Learning Service for forecasting. For additional information on this topic, please reference the following link: Demand forecasting overview - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs


Sessions include:

Part 1: Intro to Demand Forecasting in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management | April 6, 2022 Recording Available
Part 2: Implementation Guidance on Azure Machine Learning Service for Demand Forecasting | April 20, 2022 Recording Available

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