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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / / Keep your Eyes on The Road

Keep your Eyes on The Road

Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
created by dji camera

If you’ve been working in the world of Microsoft Business Applications for a while, you’ll no doubt be used to change – CRM, xRM, Dynamics 365, PowerApps, Power Apps, CDS, Dataflex, Dataverse etc. Even icons, logos change!

It’s really important therefore that we keep up to date, not only with the updated terminology, but with changes in the platform, licensing and the roadmap ahead. It can be too easy to recommend a way forward, only to find that the option is potentially deprecated, or a better way to solve the issue is on the horizon.

Personally, I have to make time to read up on these changes, and potentially have a ‘play’ with the functionality, just to make sure my own knowledge and skills don’t become stale.

There are some awesome blogs, YouTube channels and of course Microsoft Documentation out there including:



Microsoft Learn

So my advice….. take the time….actually…. make the time to keep up to date on the changes and updates. it’s well worth it.


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