Hosted by Sarah Salzman and Abra Gilman, some of our GPUG All Stars took the stage on Friday to star in GPUG’s Dynamics Idol: GPUG All-Stars Share Their Favorite Tips! Mark Polino, Béat Bucher, Terry Heley, Michelle Kocher, and Bob McAdam all “performed” their favorites providing a knowledge-packed session to cap off the Convergence week. This dynamic session was well attended and received rave reviews.
In true Idol fashion, audience members were asked to vote for their favorite GP-crooner. The nail-biting voting ended with Dynamic Communities’ own Bob McAdam coming out on top. “Dynamic Communities (parent organization of GPUG) uses GP internally and we work diligently on behalf of our members to remain on the bleeding edge of the system and its features,” said McAdam. “To be able to share the stage with the other GPUG All Stars is an honor in itself. We all strive to be role models for the GPUG community, and I look forward to many more opportunities to share with fellow GP users.”
GPUG members can access the presentation deck from the Dynamics Idols session and all other GPUG hosted sessions by visiting the Library of the Convergence Atlanta community on GPUG Collaborate. Please note, you do not have to be a member of GPUG to access these presentations.
Meet our Dynamics GP Idols |
Béat Bucher Business Analyst | Forensic Technology
Bob McAdam Vice President of Finance | Dynamic Communities, Inc
Mark Polino, CPA Senior Consultant |Integrated Business Group
Michelle Kocher Internal Operations Manager | Delta Medical Systems
Terry Heley Escalation Engineer | Microsoft Corporation
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