UPDATE: This issue has been resolved in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2. To download the R2 patch, you can go to the following:
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Service Pack, Hotfix and Compliance Update Page - Download the R2 Patch!!
Customers - Click HERE Partners - Click HERE
Check out the FIX LIST.
Thank you!
I wanted to address an error we’ve had some reports of lately. When eConnect integrations using the taPMDistribution stored procedure are run the following error is encountered:
Error Number = 11991 Stored Procedure= Error Description = Error Codes were not found in table DYNAMICS..taErrorCode. Please insure that the table taErrorCode is up to update.
The cause for this issue is that the upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 added 4 new parameters (@I_vPAYTYPE, @I_vCAMCBKID, @I_vCHAMCBID, @I_vCARDNAME) to the taPMDistribution stored procedure. Unfortunately, that change was not fully reflected in all needed locations:
To be clear, this will only affect those customers on GP 2013 R2. Any build up to, but not include R2 (12.00.1745) is not affected by this issue.
The only real workaround at this point is to use the taPMDistributionPre procedure to populate those columns with valid values so that the errors do not occur. These are the definitions and valid values you would need to populate:
Right now this issue has been targeted to be addressed in the upcoming Dynamics GP 2015 release.
Let us know if you have any questions/comments on this.
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