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5 Ways to Maintain Focus with Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Finding Your Zen

When you get asked what you do for a living, do you ever think, ‘What don’t I do?!’


Marketing InsightsIf your one job title does not reflect your diverse responsibilities, you are not alone. I have been in marketing and business development for small businesses for most of my professional career. In those years I’ve come to realize that my job’s biggest challenge is managing my time and transitioning between my various responsibilities.


Okay, so using the term “Zen” in this blog may be a bit misleading in the religious sense. But it’s a great way to describe the stress-relieving benefits I gain from Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It gives me tools and features to do more with less effort, giving me more time to focus on each task at hand.


If you work in marketing for an SMB, can you relate to any of the following job titles?

Communications Director

Market Research Specialist

Content Creator

Client Relations Manager

Campaign Strategist

Social Media Manager

Public Relations Manager

Brand Manager

Event Manager


If so, we have some things in common. Let me explain how Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows me to manage my role without getting overwhelmed.

Sidenote: Have you seen this list? Remind me to add “Jedi” to my long-term goals. 10 Surprising Marketing Job Titles For the Next 10 Years


How I use Microsoft Dynamics CRM to achieve marketing Zen:

  • Dynamics CRM stores, structures and analyzes our sales and marketing campaign plans, which allows me to efficiently keep the sales team updated on our latest promo offer campaign.
  • Dynamics CRM has dashboards that show me in real-time, without any effort on my part, where we are with our lead generation results and how these are converting into sales opportunities.
  • For our events, I can segment my target markets and customize their messages so our clients and prospects are receiving the right information.
  • For new outbound marketing initiatives, I can research past correspondence from clients in the target industry to track what their pain points were. This helps me write relevant marketing messages to speak to the audience’s needs.
  • New Leads are nurtured without any effort with automated email campaigns that send out customized emails based on behavioral triggers and scheduling.


Do you work with CRM? Or, are you considering Dynamics CRM after finding yourself in this same predicament trying to fulfill multiple job roles? Contact me on LinkedIn or drop me an email at It would be great to connect and share information.


Wish me luck as we complete our Dynamics CRM 2015 upgrade later this month. And if your identity crisis is getting the best of you, try these tactics to regain focus. Your colleagues will love it!


- Jennifer Espelien, Turnkey Technologies, Inc.

Jennifer Espelien - Zen with Dynamics CRM




5 Ways to Maintain Focus with Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Finding Your Zen is a post from: CRM Software Blog

The post 5 Ways to Maintain Focus with Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Finding Your Zen appeared first on CRM Software Blog.

This was originally posted here.


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