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Managing Supply Chain with Business Central

Is Business Central good for managing the supply chain?

Business Central is an excellent tool to manage your company's supply chain. This article aims to explore the supply chain's key elements and how Business Central can be used to optimize the entire supply chain process.

What is the Supply Chain?

The supply chain refers to the set of activities and actions involved in selling a product from start to finish. It includes receiving an order from a client, sourcing raw materials, transforming raw materials into finished products (if necessary), and transporting and delivering the products to the end consumer. In summary, the supply chain comprises all the operations that must occur to ensure that a product reaches the customer in the best possible condition and on time.

Key Elements of the Supply Chain

To deliver an order to the customer, several critical elements must be involved in the supply chain process. These elements include:

  • Suppliers: They provide the raw materials or the finished product.
  • Warehouse: It is the physical space used to store goods.
  • Transport: They move the raw material and the finished product from the company's warehouses to the customers.
  • Manufacturers: They convert raw materials into finished products.
  • Customers: They are the end-users who consume the products.
  • Communication: It is essential that information flows in all directions to maintain quality and service standards.
  • New Technologies: They help to develop processes optimally, with greater customer satisfaction and in less time.

Is Business Central a Good Tool to Manage My Company's Supply Chain?

Businesses that focus on supply chain management face several challenges, such as selling on multiple channels, managing various warehouses, and logistics platforms to manage shipments. Today's consumers demand more quality and immediacy in the service provided, and it is essential to meet these expectations. Business Central comes to the rescue in this regard. Its supply chain management features support Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, Warehouse, and Planning teams to have an efficient supply chain and quickly deliver products or services to customers.

Why is Business Central a Good Tool for Managing My Company's Supply Chain?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is an integrated platform that enables growing businesses to harness the power of the cloud to improve business results.

With its Supply Chain Management module, you can optimize the entire supply chain and logistics from order requests, merchandise purchases, storage and preparation, to shipping and order tracking.

The integration of the module with the rest of the ERP modules streamlines and automates processes and decision-making. It offers real-time visibility from Power BI dashboards and provides sales and inventory forecasts that you can use to create purchase orders automatically.

How to Improve My Supply Chain using Business Central?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central makes it easy to respond quickly and profitably to customers and suppliers involved in the supply chain to increase their satisfaction. Some recommendations to improve the supply chain are:

  • Use cutting-edge technology in logistics and product management, such as Business Central, to control the entire supply chain process from start to finish from a single solution.
  • Use applications such as Commerce Shipping, Jet Reports, and WMS mobility, fully integrated with the ERP, to take your supply chain management to the next level with powerful functionalities that provide intelligent calculations, automation, mobility, and advanced analytics.
  • Manage inventory well to ensure product availability and meet demand.
  • Improve warehouse management, considering the most efficient and economical way for your business to send and receive products. Shared warehouses, own warehouses, logistics warehouses? Seek to have flexibility according to the demand and location of suppliers and customers.
  • Optimize transportation options to control traceability and trajectory.

Business Central offers excellent supply chain management features to optimize your entire supply chain and logistics processes. It is a robust tool that can help you manage your company's supply chain with ease and efficiency. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers a complete solution to respond to the challenges of supply chain management, allowing you to optimize the flow of inventory, reduce product shortages, and maximize profitability.

With the Supply Chain Management module, you can streamline and automate processes and decision-making, from order requests to merchandise purchases, storage, and preparation, to shipping and order tracking. The ERP modules are fully integrated, providing real-time visibility into business performance throughout the supply chain.

Business Central's intelligent system can analyze historical data and track trends to identify potential problem areas, optimize inventory, and avoid stock shortages. Sales and inventory forecasts can be used to automatically create purchase orders and prevent missed sales opportunities.

To improve your supply chain, it is recommended to use innovative technology such as D365 Business Central, manage inventory well to ensure product availability, improve warehouse management, and optimize transportation options.

Applications such as Commerce Shipping, Power BI, and mobile WMS can take your supply chain management to the next level with powerful functionalities that provide intelligent calculations, automation, mobility, and advanced analytics.



The post Managing Supply Chain with Business Central appeared first on ERP Software Blog.

This was originally posted here.


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