Hi all,
In this blog will learn how to modify the standard email subject and body generated through the Print Management.
Requirement -
1) Add vendor code in Subject line.
2) Modify email body - add vendor name and Legal entity name.
This can be achieve by doing small customization.
1) Create extension class for class - SRSPrintDestinationSettings and add below code.
public final class TestSRSPrintDestinationSettings_Extension
internal str reportTitle;
internal RecId voucherRecId;
//Type of report
public str reportTitle(str _reportTitle = reportTitle)
reportTitle = _reportTitle;
return reportTitle;
public RecId voucherRecId(RecId _voucherRecId = voucherRecId)
voucherRecId = _voucherRecId;
return voucherRecId;
public SrsReportEMailDataContract parmEMailContract(SrsReportEMailDataContract _emailContract)
Notes emailBOdy;
SrsReportEmailDataContract contract;
LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;
contract = next parmEMailContract(_emailContract);
if (reportTitle == "Payment Advice")
emailSubject = contract.parmSubject();
select firstonly ledgerJournalTrans where ledgerJournalTrans.RecId == voucherRecId;
emailSubject = strReplace(emailSubject,"%VendorAccount%", ledgerJournalTrans.accountDisplay());
emailBOdy = VendParameters::find().MTEmailBodyForPaymentAdvice;
emailBOdy = strReplace(emailBOdy,"%VendorName%",ledgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimensionName);
emailBOdy = strReplace(emailBOdy,"%LegalEntityName%",CompanyInfo::findRecId(CompanyInfo::current()).Name);
return contract;
Step 2 : Create COC for printReport() method of class SrsReportRunPrinter
public final class TestSrsReportRunPrinter_extension
public void printReport()
if (reportContract.parmRdpName() == "BankPaymAdviceVendDP")
BankPaymAdviceContract bankPaymAdviceContract = reportContract.parmRdpContract() as BankPaymAdviceContract;
printSettings.reportTitle("Payment Advice");
next printReport();
Step 3 : Add new field for email template in AP parameter(VendParameter)
and paste below content
Regarding payment to: %VendorName%
Please refer the attached payment advice.
Yours faithfully
Step 4 : Add setup in Print management
Refer below highlighted path
Result -
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