The service management module of Business Central has an emailing feature which is designed to inform internal employees if service level agreements (SLA) are being missed. It also has a feature to update a customer on completion of a repair for a specific service item. The standard documentation on this area isn’t that great. Therefore I will explain in brief more about the feature and the required setups to make the most of it. At the time of writing this area is not part of the enhanced email capabilities and has little scope for configuration. An area I hope that improves in the future.
Part 1 is the Internal warning emails:
Now that’s in place how is it being calculated that something has hit a “warning”? Over on a service contract we start to piece the puzzle together:
Once a service order is logged we have a date and time for that taking place – “Order Date”, “Order Time”.
This data coupled with the “Response Time (Hours)” value on the order, which just so happens to come from the service contract, gives us the expected SLA.
**Emails will only send if the Service Order has a status of Pending and the service order line has a “Repair Status Code” which is marked with “Initial” true** The out of the box setup here is something worth sticking to if you can but if you have your own repair status codes then I am referring to this setup:
So, what do we need for the emails to start flying out? Two codeunits adding to the job queue entries page. Set them up to run as you need.
An example of the data in the service email queue:
Part 2 – Customer notifications
A customer can be kept informed of the order with email messages when the codeunits from part 1 are in place. On the header of the service order there is a field called “Notify Customer” with a series of set options. Unfortunately, as standard the field is blank when the header is created. You would expect it to be linked to a customer record or even set at service order type, but no…..This means we have to set this manually per order, without customisation. You will also need the “Email” field to be populated, as standard it is blank too – you can see what I mean by having this area catch up with the enhanced email features:
To trigger an email to the chosen address you must mark the “Repair Status Code” to a value which sets the overall service order “Status” to Finished.
Upon doing that you will get this kind of message:
Unlike the warning messages this one will fire off multiple times if you chop and change the repair status code:
Some limitations in the standard offering but could be a nice thing to use if you have this module. The details mentioned are applicable to older versions of NAV which have the same module.
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