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Community site session details

Session Id :
Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Microsoft Lystavlen / Easily add event to calendar

Easily add event to calendar

Jesper Osgaard Profile Picture Jesper Osgaard

One of the most requested features of the event capabilities in Dynamics 365 Marketing – the ability to add an event you registered for as an appointment in your calendar using a calendar (.ics) file is expected in June 2021.

The feature can be used by adding a new button to the canvas of the email (1) and setting the Link to attribute of the button (2) to Add to calendar (3).

In the Event drop-down select the event for which the calendar file will be generated (2) – in this example an event called ‘Media 2021’

Then select What should be added to the calendar (1). For that we have three options with regards to the contacts registration(s):
1) only the event
2) only the session(s) of an event
3) both event and associated session(s)

In this example we will go with ‘Only the event’

To test the capability we will quickly create a journey that invites contact to the event, and send registrants the email with the Add to Calendar confirmation (3)

Registrants will receive the confirmation email, and can simply click the button to download an .ics file

Registrants can double-click the downloaded .ics file to add the event as an appointment in their calendar

Your customers will now easily be able to add the events you invite them to, to their calendars.

This was originally posted here.


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