If you want to add files to a nav document like orders, then you normally use the link factbox. For that you have to link files on file shares, local paths are not allowed (not reachable from other systems). That only works, if the current user has the needed permission and the network path is reachable. There is also a problem, if the file is moved, deleted or the permissions were changed.
One alternative to add files to nav documents is the usage of third party components like dms systems (document management systems).
Since Nav 2016 there is the “Incoming Documents” feature available. This is used to add the original scanned document to the purchase order. This document is saved then in the database, not on a file share (network path).
The advantages:
- the nav client is not dependent on permission settings and network issues.
- No issue with moving and removing of the file on the network path or changing the file permissions.
- You can use that feature in general to add any kind of file, not only the scanned order.
The disadvantages:
- No versioning: the same with the links factbox
- When viewing/editing the added file, changes are not saved back.
To replace an added document (file) you can click on “Incoming Document” in the according factbox. The “Incoming Document” page opens. Here click on Actions/”Replace Main Attachment” and select a different document or a newer version.
The feature is a kind of a small dms system with some nice features and interesting advantages compared to the links factbox. You can simply add files to the Incoming documents list, then create a nav document like a purchase invoice with that file as attachment.
Filed under: documents, dynamics nav, nav 2016, nav 2017 Tagged: attachment, dms, incoming document, links factbox, orders

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