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Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Use GOTO from SOP Inquiry to SOP Trx Entry

A' Go To' option has been added to the Sales Order Processing Document Inquiry and the Sales Document Range Inquiry windows to view a document in either the Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom or Sales Transaction Entry window.  To get to these windows, go under Sales Inquiry and select either Sales Document or Sales Range Inquiry.



Once the Sales Order Processing Document Inquiry or Sales Document Range Inquiry windows are open, the user must first select a document.  Then click the 'Go To' button and select what window they want to 'Go To' to view the document.  The Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom window is available for history document only, but both 'Go To' window options are available for unposted documents.


Note: If the user is currently working on an unsaved or unposted transaction in the Sales Transaction Entry window, when the Sales Transaction Entry 'Go To' is selected, they will be prompted to either save, delete or cancel before the selected document can be viewed. 

Note:   When a user does not have security to either the Sales Transaction Entry or Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom window, they will receive the message, 'You don't have security privileges to open this window. Contact your administrator for assistance.' 

I hope you like this new feature!  Continue to check back to the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Feature Blog Series Schedule page to review upcoming blog posts related to our new features and other helpful resource links.

Janelle Montplaisir

Microsoft Support (Dynamics GP)


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