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Inspire the Next

At Hitachi Solutions one of our logos displays the phrase, Inspire the Next.  

Hitachi corporate logo

The Merriam Webster’s definition of inspire is, “to fill with courage or strength of purpose”.  I personally love the phrase because it points to inspiring whatever is next; in life, in work, in play… and applies to every day, hour and minute.   

It’s not always easy to inspire ourselves or others because life can be challenging at times.  That is why I think it is important to share our inspiration with others whenever we can and celebrate those times when we’ve been able to achieve positive results. 

I recently had an opportunity to do just that and shared my story on the Microsoft MVP Mentor Blog site. I hope you take a few minutes to read the story and you are inspired by how we can work together to support one another to achieve our life aspirations and dreams. 

When life or work gets tough, you can always bring yourself back to this simple yet vibrant and full of promise, affirmation; “Inspire the Next”.  I hope it helps to lift you to a better place during challenging times and keeps you there when things are good. 

I look forward to hearing your stories about how you inspired yourself and others along life’s journey.

This was originally posted here.


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