If you’ve attended business or leadership conferences recently -- or even trade shows with keynote speakers -- or read articles in Forbes, Fast Company, and other sites, you’ve probably heard a lot about customer experience. It can often seem like the business concept of the moment.
First, a quick primer: customer experience is essentially a more advanced form of the old idea of customer service. It’s like taking customer service -- which at base referred to pleasing the customer -- and adding on more context, like journey mapping (how a customer moves through the stages of learning about and then buying your product or service) and personas (who is most likely to buy and make decisions about buying).
So, you often hear about the importance and value of customer experience -- but is there research that backs that up?
Yes. And there’s a lot of it.
We prepared an eBook on the value of customer experience -- and especially the value as it relates to field service management -- that you can download. It’s full of different studies and research around the potential bottom-line value add of customer experience in FSM.
The critical role of field service management
in customer experience
This is important conceptually if you need to prove the value of a strong customer experience process to your decision-makers; they’ll want to see research, measurement, and metrics. Here, we’re handing you that.
Interested? Download it now.
Written by Jim Hare
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