At long last I’m back, and aim to get back to regular weekly (if not more frequent) blogging!
First topic, last week I installed GP2010 SP2 (aka R2) at a client site and all was fine. That is, until I was doing some unrelated work in Report Writer, and was getting an error message when coming back into Dynamics GP.
I had some trouble finding this specific error but did find a post on the partner technical forums with the same problem, from a couple of months ago, that had gone dormant. I updated the post with my information, adding to the original poster’s info, and it turns out it is indeed a bug.
The scenarios
The errors are specific to the following situation, in GP2010 R2 (11.00.1752)
- You have Extender installed
- You go into Report Writer or Modifer during your session of being logged into GP
- You go back from RW or Modifier into Dynamics GP and receive one if not two errors
- You get a similar error when exiting Dynamics GP - but ONLY if you had been in RW or Modifier during your GP session. (No error if you never go into RW or Modifier)
The errors
The first error is pictured below (top is the error, bottom is scrolling down to the rest of the text). It is an unhandled script exception error:
“Illegal Address for field ‘[Not Found]’ in script ‘Unregister_Triggers’.”
Scrolling down further is:
The second error occurs immediately after the first one AND when you exit Dynamics GP if you had been in RW or Modifier during your session. Another unhandled script exception.
“Object has no reference.”
Scrolling down further
The impact
There appears to be no impact on the functioning of Extender or Dynamics GP. I didn’t do a TON of testing but what I did test, nothing seemed impacted by the errors. The fact that there are no errors unless you go in and out of Report Writer or Modifier tell me they are not errors in functioning of the modules themselves but something else.
The resolution
Microsoft has written this up as a bug and hopefully it would get resolved in SP3 assuming they can determine the cause.
UPDATE: December 6, 2011 - this is resolved in KB2599505 (aka US Payroll 2011 Year End Update service pack)
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