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Project Tracking Compatibility with Multi-Entity Management

Does Project Tracking work with Multi-Entity Management? This is a question that comes up a lot so why not write a blog about it.

The answer is yes.

Project Tracking with Advanced Analytics is compatible with Binary Stream's Multi-Entity Management module!

Now, users can easily have both products installed in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 or higher with no conflict.

The Project Tracking enhancement that we’ve successfully completed now filters out the GL Account distributions inserted by Multi-Entity Management - which was initially causing an imbalance when creating Project Tracking distributions.

The Initial Issue:

MEM (Multi-Entity Management) creates due to/due from GL Distribution entries automatically in the GP Distribution window. This is useful for companies who manage multiple companies, and/or divisions, and/or locations, within one chart of accounts within a single company database in GP.

Let’s say that the first segment in the GL account identifies a department:

  • 100 = Admin
  • 300 = Products

A payables invoice distribution looked something like this:

The issue with this entry is that products is out of balance because of the $100 debit. There's no
$100 credit to products. Same holds true for Admin Division. There’s a $100 credit but not an offsetting debit for Admin division.

The Solution

MEM will now automatically create the offsetting entries so that each division remains in balance.

Now the new distribution looks like this:

If we expand the line details you can see that MEM has added double asterisks ‘**’ to the Distribution Reference of the auto generated due to/due from lines:

These lines don’t need to be distributed in Project Tracking.

Project Tracking will ignore these MEM auto generated lines when creating project tracking distributions:

In addition, the transaction can be posted without any error about ‘GL Distribution amounts not being fully distributed’.

Want to know more about Project Tracking and our on-going updates? Get a quote, or try it out for free! Visit our page online to learn more, request trial keys – or email us.

The post Project Tracking Compatibility with Multi-Entity Management appeared first on ERP Software Blog.


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