Product models are defined differently in Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Sales has a simple model that defines product families, relationships, properties, units, and unit groups. However, the product model is far more complicated Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, taking into many factors such as bill of materials (BOM), information on product dimensions, specific product attributes, and much more. This article will not go into the granular details of the Unified Product Experience using dual write, as it warrants its own article, however Microsoft resources cover it thoroughly. For products, information flows in one direction from Finance and Operations to Sales. A dual-write integration synchronizes this information so that there is a single version of the truth for product details and Dynamics 365 Sales users have all the information they need without going into the depth necessary in the ERP system. Here are some examples of how product information flows from Finance and Operations into Sales using dual write:
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