The newest release of Microsoft Dynamics GP, GP 2013, now includes the ability to configure Quantity Tolerance settings for inventory and non-inventory items purchased through the Purchase Order Processing tool. Using the tolerance options will help you improve the accuracy of your order quantities by automatically closing purchase orders left open from quantity shortages, and also by eliminating the need to correct receiving quantity overages on purchase orders.
View this short video to see how it works:
As you can see in the video, you can find the setting for inventory items in the Item Purchasing Options Maintenance window and the setting for non-inventory items in the Purchase Order Processing Setup.
Quantity Tolerances can be set as a percent of the PO quantity for both shortages and overages. This way, if the actual amount received falls within that allowable tolerance percentage, the PO is considered fully received. If the actual amount received falls outside of the tolerance percentage, you will receive a message indicating that fact and you can proceed accordingly.
We’ll show you an example of both a shortage and an overage, and we’ll even walk you through what you will see and how you should proceed should the actual amount fall outside of the allowable tolerance.
By Socius, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner in Ohio
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