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Budget information missing from Management Reporter reports

If you generate a report in MR and your budget information is missing, there are a few things you can check to troubleshoot this.


  • Confirm you are logged into the correct company.

While this may seem obvious, it is easy to overlook. MR will only pull in budget data from the company you are logged into or the company the report definition is set to. If you share building blocks between companies, your column definition may have the budget ID from another company. You’ll want to check that the budget ID in the column definition exists for the company you are generating the report for.


  • Confirm the budget is set up with Fiscal Year.

In Dynamics GP, open the Budget Maintenance card and confirm that the Based On field is set to Fiscal Year. If it is set to Date Range, MR will not read the budget.


  • Confirm that the GL00201 has a value in the YEAR1 column.

Run this statement against the GP company database:

select * from GL00201 where YEAR1 = ''


If you get results, you’ll need to update the YEAR1 value to have a year for the budget. If the YEAR1 is blank, MR cannot read the budget.


  • If you are using Analytical Accounting and this is an AA budget, the budget must be budgeted down to the lowest level.

I hope you found this information helpful.




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