People have asked for an example of sending Emails with attachments using the MSGraph API directly from AX 2012. Below is the same code I published in an earlier post but with an attachment. Before running this make sure the attachment exists in the location specified in the code. A filename with a UNC path is a better choice given you may have more than one AOS server. For this example I am running in a development single AOS environment with the client also running on the same server.
static void MSgraphSendMailWithAttach_Job(Args _args) { System.Net.HttpWebRequest webRequest; System.Net.HttpWebResponse webResponse; System.IO.Stream stream; System.IO.StreamReader streamReader; System.Byte[] bytes; System.Net.WebHeaderCollection headers; str response, respCode, ErrorString; System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding; Dialog dialog; DialogField dialogFieldEA, dialogFieldAT; str email_Address, access_token; // Added for Attachement str MyJson; str path; FileName filePath, fileName, fileExt; BinaryIO binaryIO; FileIoPermission _perm; str base64; bindata bindata = new bindata(); ; // Get basic user input dialog = new Dialog("Send Email Using MsGrpah API with Token"); //dialogGroup1 = dialog.addGroup("Enter All These"); dialogFieldEA = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(InfoMessage),'', 'Email Addr'); dialogFieldAT = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(InfologText),'0a1b2c3d-4e5f....', 'Access Token');; email_Address = dialogFieldEA.value(); access_token = dialogFieldAT.value(); try { path = "C:\\Temp\\Example.pdf"; [filePath, filename, fileExt] = fileNameSplit(path); _perm = new FileIoPermission(path,'r'); _perm.assert(); if(System.IO.File::Exists(path)) { bindata.loadFile(path); base64 = bindata.base64Encode(); } } catch { ErrorString = AifUtil::getClrErrorMessage(); throw error(ErrorString); } bindata = null; //close file CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); //Revert permissions although this shouild go away when method is over new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert(); //Create webRequest webRequest = System.Net.WebRequest::Create('') as System.Net.HttpWebRequest; headers = new System.Net.WebHeaderCollection(); headers.Add("Authorization: Bearer " access_token); webRequest.set_Headers(headers); webRequest.set_Method('POST'); webRequest.set_ContentType('application/json'); webRequest.set_Timeout(15000); // Set the 'Timeout' property in Milliseconds. MyJson = "{\"message\": { \"subject\": \"Test Subject\", \"body\": { \"contentType\": \"Text\", \"content\": \"Hello World !\" }, \"toRecipients\": [ { \"emailAddress\": { \"address\": \"" email_Address "\"} } ] "; //Add in the attachement MyJson = MyJson " , "; MyJson = MyJson " \"attachments\": [ "; MyJson = MyJson " { "; MyJson = MyJson " \"isInline\": false, "; MyJson = MyJson " \"@odata.type\": \"#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment\", "; MyJson = MyJson " \"contentBytes\": \"" base64 "\", "; MyJson = MyJson " \"name\": \"" fileName fileExt "\" } "; MyJson = MyJson " ] "; MyJson = MyJson "}, \"saveToSentItems\": \"true\" }"; //Force TLS12 which I had to add later (Mid2022) System.Net.ServicePointManager::set_SecurityProtocol(System.Net.SecurityProtocolType::Tls12); try { //Create the data string to POST encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); bytes = encoding.GetBytes(MyJson); webRequest.set_ContentLength(bytes.get_Length()); //Setup the stream and Submit the request stream = webRequest.GetRequestStream(); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.get_Length()); stream.Close(); //Get the response webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse(); stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream(); streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream); response = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); stream.Close(); } catch { //If contains 401 then get new token ErrorString = AifUtil::getClrErrorMessage(); throw error(ErrorString); } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); info("Success"); }
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