While I was away on leave, Microsoft had their recent “Windows 10: The Next Chapter” event. One of the coolest demonstrations was of the Microsoft HoloLens: A stand alone augmented reality holographic device.
For more information check out the subsite and videos below:
The videos below will show you want some of the possibilities of this technology are.
Windows HoloLens Full Presentation (direct link)
Microsoft HoloLens – Transform your world with holograms (direct link) – included in video above.
Microsoft HoloLens – Possibilities (direct link) – included in video above.
I can’t wait to see what the 3D gaming experience will be like.
If you want to watch the entire two hour long keynote presentation, watch the video below:
Windows 10 Keynote – The Next Chapter (direct link)
I also came across this article containing a short story with a taste of what a world with holograms could be like:
This article was originally posted on http://www.winthropdc.com/blog.
Filed under: HoloLens, Microsoft, News Tagged: General, HoloLens, News

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