2012 R3 CU8: Total compensation statement
This is the first post in a series related to the new functionality introduced in Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8. Several new features were added in the HR and Payroll areas based on customer feedback. Features to be covered in the series include: Total compensation statement, FMLA tracking, Premium earning generation, Regular rate of pay, Benefit accrual enhancements, and Forecast position enhancements. Be sure to subscribe to updates for our blog to learn about this new functionality.
Total compensation statement
A total compensation statement details the value of cash and non-cash compensation provided to an employee. Employees usually know what their current salary is however employers often provide many other benefits to employees which are less visible and many time overlooked by employees when thinking about the total investment a company makes in them.
In order to create and print a Total compensation statement, Total compensation statement sections need to be created. These Total compensation statement sections comprise of compensation elements such as benefits, earning codes and taxes. Elements in each Total compensation section will be subtotaled when printed on a Total compensation statement.
Total compensation statement sections
Open the Total compensation statement sections form by going to: Human Resources > Setup > Compensation > Total compensation statement sections
Combining compensation elements in different Total compensation statement sections provides the flexibility to create varying levels of granularity with in each section.
For example, you could create a section called Health Benefits and include only benefits such as medical, dental, vision, etc. You could also create a section called Retirement Benefits and include benefits such as 401k, 401k Roth, etc. Another section called Benefits could be created to include all the health benefits and retirement benefits selected in the previous sections, plus any additional fringe benefits, disability benefits, etc. These sections can then be combined on a report or printed on separate reports allowing you to create different reports for different purposes.
Once you have created the Total compensation statement sections you want you can assemble your Total compensation statement report and distribute it.
Total compensation statement
The Total compensation statement can be accessed from the following locations:
Human Resources > Reports > Workers > Total compensation statement
Human Resources > Common > Workers or Employees > Compensation tab > Total compensation statement
Payroll > Reports > Total compensation statement
You can enter the desired date range to print the report for and then select which Total compensation statement sections you want to include in the report. You can also indicate the order in which you want the sections to print on the report by selecting the Move up or Move down buttons.
By default, the report will print with a title of Total compensation statement, however you can override and enter in your own title. This would for example give you the ability to create a Benefit Statement for your employees. This could be accomplished by selecting only those Total compensation statement sections which include benefits and then changing the Statement title to something like: Benefit Statement. The total row text could also be edited to say: Total Benefits.
You can also choose if you want to include both Employer and Employee contributions, Employer contributions or Employee contributions.
The report can be restricted to include only employees in a certain department or those employees who report to a particular individual.
The Total compensation statement feature is only enabled when the Payroll - USA configuration key is turned on. In addition, the Total compensation statement will only print for workers who have a position being paid by the logged in legal entity for the date range you select and for which pay statements have been posted.
Below are a few examples of statements you could create by using different Total compensation statement sections and changing report titles and total row text.
I am trying to run this report but it is coming as blank even after i configured Total compensation statement sections.
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