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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management…Hit the Shelves….!

M.Aamer Profile Picture M.Aamer

I am glade to announce my first book Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management, a great effort, time, and scarifies behind

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management

this book I considered it as a great step of my professional career and another achievement record.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management is covering the basics of Financial Management aspects in General Ledger, Bank Management, Cash Flow Management, Inventory Costing, Financial Dimensions, and Financial Reporting. In a practical perspective when you do specific behavior how DAX will react, tips and tricks in utilizing function and business logic behind application functionalities. It gives the reader the startups of using the functionalities, I consider it to be a good starting point.

Check out more about the book at Packt Publication.

The thanks message in the acknowledgement for people who helped, and support me in my entire life is not enough for all of them, there are a lot of other people who give me hints, and share experience, and knowledge. And above all of that Thank God to give me the ability and this opportunity to do all of that.

Enjoy the reading

This was originally posted here.


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