Create New Company, it’s very different in NAV 2013 R2 -and- NAV 2013
This will be a short texts, sharing a significant different on creating New Company, in NAV 2013 R2 -and- NAV 2013.
Normally, along with long history of NAV / Navision, we always access File – Company – New.
After the Development Environment is separated, and RTC client is in use, we still find it in NAV 2013;
File – Company – New.
Then we type a single text box form for new company name. When finish, it’s ready to select at:
File – Company – Open.
In NAV 2013 R2, it is removed. It confuses me for a while (it’s because I’m not reading any material :D …).
See …
It seems like the function is moved to the RTC client, in NAV 2013 R2 version.
Go to: Company > Department > IT Administration > General.
Under ‘List’ part, there is ‘Companies’.
Let’s compare what we have in this area in 2013 version.
There is no ‘Companies’ under ‘Printer selection’.
The same action, click ‘New’, and there will be a new empty line created, then type the new company name there.
Now we have a new company in this NAV 2013 R2 version.
— end —
Filed under: NAV Tagged: 2013, 2013 R2, change, difference, dynamics, microsoft, NAV, Navision, RTC, versus, what's new

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