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NAV Report - How To Use Excel SUMIF Function?

Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture Saurav.Dhyani 14,613 User Group Leader
Hi all,

I think most of us know SUMIF Function IN Excel, Those who don't know below is a sample.

Suppose i Export my Item Ledger Entries Data in Excel. Now i want to see the Total Quantity Sum where Entry Type Is Sales or Purchase.

There are two ways to achieve same -
1. I Filter the Data based on Entry Type and Sum up Quantity.

2. Or I Can Use SumIF Excel Function where i can put a condition.

Below screen shot shown Navision Item Ledger Entries Page Filtered for Item No - 1000 and Entry Type - Sale|Purchase.

The Same Screen Shown the same data in Excel and the SUMIF Formula to Calculate Total Sales Quantity and Total Purchase Quantity.

Now the Question that was asked to me By Mr. +nishant srivastava  , can we have sumif in Navision Reports.

Yes we can have, its pretty simple i will write a piece of code and will make it happen .... 

What if i say there is no code required for same and it can be done with Power of RDLC.

Below is a sample Report to have SumIF In Navision Report. The Report pulls data from Item ledger Entries and Show SumIF Of Sales and Purchase Quantities.

Report is grouped by Item No and at the End it shows the total Sales and Purchase.

The Formula Used to Calculate the SUMIF of Quantity Sale is as below,which seems pretty simple-


** CDBL - is a VBScript Function Which  converts an expression to type Double.

So let's run the Report and see the Output of the Report.

Objects can be downloaded from My SkyDrive Folder.

File Name - NAV2013R2_ Report 5000 Use SUMIF In Navision Report.rar

Hope it helps and you like the Article.

+saurav. dhyani

This was originally posted here.


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