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How to Choose Your CRM Partner Wisely

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select a CRM partner

Technology partnerships help organizations implement, customize, and support technical systems. When it comes to selecting a technology partner for your customer relationship management (CRM) projects, it’s helpful to do some research. A reliable and well-matched CRM partner can help you deliver successful business outcomes. See our tips on how to choose your CRM partner wisely.

Here are four things to consider when selecting your CRM partner:

1. Define Your Project Needs

The first step is to assess the things you may need help accomplishing. Do you want to review or demo various CRM platforms? Have you already selected a CRM technology; if so, do you need help setting it up? Do you need support with integrations? Do you need help with making the technology streamline business processes? Will your CRM users need training and support? How much support do you want overall?

Examine your current state of operations and where you want them to be with help from your CRM partner. This step also can help you pare down partnership options based on the services they offer.

2. Define Your Partner Selection Criteria

Beyond experience with the CRM tool you’re planning to use, what qualifications and developer capabilities do you want your partner to have?

Consider other questions like: What’s their vision or mission statement? Do you want a partner with specific experience in your industry? How much do you want your CRM partner to manage? How do they handle customer service issues? Do you want help with Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service as well as with CRM?

Be thoughtful during the evaluation period to find a CRM partner who meets your selection criteria. Don’t settle on your first internet browser search result. Do some research.

Ideally, you want a partner who can embrace your organization’s culture, understand your business needs, and help you deliver successful business outcomes.

3. Contact Partner References

Contact partner references to see if their credibility and reputation hold up. Research case studies or testimonials from their previous clients. Potential CRM partners should be able to provide resources like these.

Treat this phase like a job interview!

This can help you move forward confidently, knowing they have completed other useful CRM projects.

4. Outline and Articulate Partner Expectations

Once you choose your CRM partner, it’s critical that you define what will make the project a success to you. Articulate your expectations and set measurable goals.

Outline project expectations and share and collaborate on these with your CRM partner. For example: Do you have timeline expectations? Do you have a list of integrations or customizations you want completed? What do you want your CRM users to know and be able to do in the CRM platform?

Technology projects, big and small, can be thrown off course when unexpected challenges occur. This is why outlining expectations before your project officially kicks off is essential.

Start your digital transformation journey with an experienced CRM partner today and discover what’s possible for your organization tomorrow. The Business Technology Solutions team at FORVIS stands ready to support your needs. If you have questions or want to book a CRM demo, contact us.

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