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Microsoft Dynamics GP Implementation Methodology – Does Your Partner Have One?

Selecting the right ERP software is only part of the equation to having a successful implementation. Once you have selected Microsoft Dynamics GP as the best ERP solution for your company, selecting the right Dynamics implementation partner is critical. The right partner has a huge impact on the success of a Dynamics Implementation. One important factor to consider when selecting a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner is whether or not that partner uses a standard implementation methodology.

Following a standard implementation methodology for ERP implementations has a significant effect on the success of that project. Microsoft feels so strongly about this that partners will soon be required to pass exams showing proficiency in using a standard implementation methodology to achieve the Microsoft ERP competency.

As you meet with Dynamics partners and make a selection as to who will be the best fit for your organization, make sure each one clearly explains their implementation methodology to you. Many partners are using Sure Step, which is Microsoft’s recommended implementation methodology.  While I also recommend Sure Step,  the important factor is choosing a partner with a standard they follow, who can demonstrate a successful track record.

JourneyTEAM – Utah Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner 

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  2. 6 Questions You Should Ask to Find the Right Partner for Your ERP Implementation
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