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Session Id : AXWZi1kcnF1bLZH7OQc8Ce

[D365] Fin ops Visual Studio Addins

Shashi s Profile Picture Shashi s 1,203

D365 & Visual studio gives you the ability to create your own Visual studio Add In for D365 development. The idea for me to create the add-in was to reduce the number of keystrokes and especially moving forward and backwards between the AOT and the code editor. There are quite a few “enhancements” i have added that certainly makes my development life a bit easier.

The Add-in however only works from the Object designer instead of the AOT nodes, which is most of the times a good thing especially when you are searching for code via the code editor.

I will be following up more on the add-ins in future posts.

Checkout the Add-in SSD365VSAddIn


This was originally posted here.


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