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Counting down to the holidays with daily blogs


Dynamics 365 Business Central has had a great first year marked by overwhelming enthusiasm in the partner community, a massive uptake in consumer interest, and many well-received conferences. To mark the end of the year, we have published a blog post every day in December, providing information that you may have missed in everything we’ve announced and presented over the past few months. 

Below is an overview of all published holiday calendar posts.

December 1

Year-end closing - post describing how to end a fiscal year in Business Central  

December 2

Describing how to connect to your Business Central Docker sandbox database with SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio Code

December 3 

Search timeout -  post describing Search timeouts 

December 4

The break-up - post describing the new micro service that called  Licensing Service.

December 5

Find the right resources and provide feedback - post describing where to give feedback and how to get access to different resources 

December 6

Security hardening your on-premises installation of NAV/Business Central 

December 7

Managing Your Business Central Client Environments - blog talking about the Business Central Admin Center

December 8

Managing screen space in Business Central - this post, we’ll walk you thru how you can better organize the information on screen with Business Central

December 9

Productivity just went through the roof! - post talking about getting work done quicker at the office

December 10

Monitoring and observability in the era of the cloud  - What is the difference between monitoring and observability ? What is a metric ? And a log ? 

December 11

Extending and customizing the Help  - The Business Central user assistance model - and what that means to you

December 12

Webhooks - don't call us, we will call you- Webhooks are now available in Business Central to give a client the opportunity to be notified of changes to entities in Business Central.

December 13

Migrating code customizations to apps with the help of Docker - In this post we explain how you migrate code customizations with a few, easy-to-follow steps

December 14

Intelligent Cloud InsightsWhile Dynamics 365 Business Central is a cloud-first service, we will continue to ensure that customers that need to run their workloads on-premises or on the Intelligent Edge connected to the cloud, can do so.

December 15

Collaborate on content for Business Central -This blog post is about the Learn More content that we publish on the site, how we collaborate on delivering it, the tools and processes we use, and how you might be able to adopt some of our best practices.

December 16

Extending the Business Inbox in Outlook - (Part 1) Creating a Custom Add-in - This article is about how to create your own custom add-in that connects to Business Central.

December 17

Extending the Business Inbox in Outlook - (Part 2) Customizing the Add-in - This post is about how to extend the functionality by customizing the existing pages in the Outlook add-in.

December 18

Microsoft Dynamics GP Data Migration Extension for Business Central - This post is abut is about the improvements made to the Business Central  Dynamics GP data migration extension.

December 19

List your partner services on AppSource - this article is about how Microsoft actively points prospective customers to the consultancy services on AppSource to find a partner that can help them make a purchase and implement the product.

December 20

How to use Business Central when on the road (just like Santa) - this post is how to use Business Central on your mobile or tablet.


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