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Business Central Assembly Packs

A recent customer requirement sparked my interest with producing something beyond what a standard assembly BOM does. The customer has a product set which they place specific sizes of the same product into packs or bundles. Why not use production B...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central Top Selling Items🔝

Wouldn’t it be useful whilst purchase planning to see what your fast moving items are? I was recently asked about this and figured it was worth a closer look. There are in fact many ways to go about this. Standard option would be to run the Invent...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central Approval Attachments

Business Central Approval attachments will of course give a user far better context to make an approval decision. What if this could be dynamic and make use of existing Business Central reports or documents? It would certainly stop the need to ope...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central share analyse views

Business Central analyse views have been a game changer for the product! There is now a sharing experience available too: If you look at the URL the “Copy” feature produces it is much like below (this example is without the company val...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central Embedded Canvas App

The opportunity to blog about this has been available for some time: Business Central with an embedded Power App certainly sounds appealing, and holds a lot of pos...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central Select Sales Items by Item Attributes

Having read the title you might quickly want to correct me. There is of course a standard way on documents to select sales items by item attributes (available on purchase documents too). The standard experience is shown below: Personally I donR...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central Item Attributes Sales Order Factbox

I was working on a different idea when I figured it would make sense to show the item attributes in a sales order factbox. Like most I figured someone will have already done this and I found this blog:, which talks about ...

JAngle 33,139
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Business Central Share Filters 🫴

Have you ever opened a worksheet page like Planning Worksheet or Payment Journal and had leftover data? Do you just delete this data? Or do you want to know more about it first? The wait time for getting the fresh data might well be a reason to no...

JAngle 33,139