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Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

Summary: The old UI is being replaced with a new look for Advanced Settings, accessible as a separate app. Although currently in preview and only available in the USA, it will soon be released. Skepticism arises due to the loss of Advanced Find an...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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ACDC 2024 – Why this is the ultimate hackathon

The Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge (ACDC) provided a unique learning experience for Microsoft techies, involving a 3-day hackathon where 13 teams collaborated intensely. Notably, consultant Nick Doelman pushed the team out of their comfort zone,...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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Teams Meetings Corrupted in Dynamics 365 Client Sync

The user encountered a problem where Microsoft Team meeting links were corrupted when synchronized with Dynamics 365 via the App for Outlook. To resolve this, they contacted support and were advised to download the OrgDBSettings tool and modify th...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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Plugins 4 Dummies – RegEx

The video tutorial focuses on the usage of RegEx to manipulate text variables for standardized output. An example illustrated involves the stripping of names from an email format "" to yield "". The author...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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Plugins 4 Dummies – Currency

The provided content is a promotional piece for a tutorial video on the "Plugins 4 Dummies" series about handling currencies in plugin development. This coding process, while different from managing integers, is simplified through premade codes av...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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Plugins 4 Dummies – Integers

The content discusses the first step in understanding plugins, commencing with alerts due to their critical role in familiarizing with data. Mastering alerts evidently provides the foundational knowledge necessary for creating more complex functio...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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Plugins 4 Dummies – Alerts

The content discusses the first step in understanding plugins, commencing with alerts due to their critical role in familiarizing with data. Mastering alerts evidently provides the foundational knowledge necessary for creating more complex functio...

thomasjs User Group Leader
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Plugins 4 Dummies – Solution Import

The content involves a video guide from Plugins 4 Dummies which explains the process of creating the very first project in Visual Studio. The guide is beginner-friendly ensuring that it's not intimidating, even for non-developers.

thomasjs User Group Leader