I'm building a subscription of new pages on a website. The visitors can post data via a form at the website with first- and lastname, E-mail and X.
Then they get inserted in different marketing lists based on value of X.
I'm able to get those contacts in the marketing lists from C# and the Web API with a token. I need to loop through all members in the marketing lists - get emailaddress and send them an email that now is a new page available at the website with this URL.
So i can't use a template i guess, i need it to be quite dynamic. Best case would be if i could use a template with unique parameters as link url, heading and text maybe. So the subscribers get an email when a new page is created on the website based on the value X.
How should i do this?
I checked the documentation of the Web API and it seems like i need to sent ID of template as a parameter for the methods SendEmailFromTemplate and SendTemplate? Do i first need to create a template, how can i map links, heading and body of the template with different values?
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