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Session Id : Ze4l9nrwtFjB6IjCOjQNFj
Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

"App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

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Posted on 31 Jul 2019 16:17:43 by 212

A service user, when accessing the new Unified Interface "Customer Service" app gets the following error:

App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable.

The details aren't particularly helpful:

Error code: 0x0Session Id: 221948e2-98c1-4b8d-a929-55022f2a2a86Activity Id: 80014cc5-eed0-44e0-802b-7e88f76d954aTime: Wed Jul 31 2019 18:12:40 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
This happens only when the user attempts to open the dashboard, but given the vagueness of the message it's somewhat hard to pin down the problem. The problem doesn't happen for administrators. Any suggestions?

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  • Neil Benson Profile Picture
    7,367 User Group Leader on 08 Apr 2021 at 02:41:44
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    I had the same error today when logged in as a sys admin, "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    I contacted Support who responded quickly. It seems to be a known issue when trying to open the Dynamics 365 for Outlook app through unified interface. Their workaround was to revert to the classic interface.

    1. https://[yourenvironment].crm[6]
    2. Settings > Customizations > Customize the system
    3. In the Component Type field, select on 'Model-driven App'.
    4. Open the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook app designer.

    I hope that helps someone else get around the error until the underlying issue with the unified interface is resolved.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    on 02 Apr 2020 at 14:18:09
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    This, for us, was not about security roles.  We had two "service" accounts, both sys admins one with the error and one without.

    We solved the problem by going to the SOLUTION (don't read that as any app) and changing the default dashboard.  Makes sense that a user "capable" of using the Outlook App could access the Outlook dashboard while one not "enabled" for it received the denial.  I suppose that when the Outlook app was introduced it set the SOLUTION default dashboard to its own.

    This is not a remedy that would be apparent to a model-driven developer.  In fact, a Microsoft support rep apparently unaware of the REAL CE hunted around for half an hour in the app designer without resolving anything.

    What I don't know is how a user is "enabled" for the Outlook App.  We couldn't convince ourselves it was simply an activated mailbox.

    If anyone can detail that, it would be appreciated.

    PS- yes, the non user is not getting the error anymore and the Outlook capable user is able to track Outlook activities (I am told.)

  • Suggested answer
    Preetam Yengkokpam Profile Picture
    197 on 02 Oct 2019 at 14:18:09
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    It is very likely that none of the dashboards available are enabled for System Admin security roles, this is based on my experience and findings recently. Could you double check if all the dashboards which is enabled for Unified Interface has enabled display to System Admin role?

  • AMSL Profile Picture
    5 on 01 Oct 2019 at 07:54:01
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    I am experiencing this with my admin account. It worked fine last week, and nothing has changed as far as I know. I can see the dash fine upon log in, but cannot navigate to it from any other page within CRM. The Admin does have permission to view all dashboards.

  • Suggested answer
    Preetam Yengkokpam Profile Picture
    197 on 26 Sep 2019 at 16:38:24
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    This issue happens in Unified Interface when the login User role is not accessible to any of the dashboards in the system and the App has is configured to display one or more dashboard on the Dashboard. In order to resolve the issue, User should be given permission to access atleast one dashboard.

  • Dhasara Devi G N Profile Picture
    356 on 07 Aug 2019 at 22:25:25
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    Thanks. However this doesn't seem to be my scenario.

  • MateuszBender Profile Picture
    212 on 07 Aug 2019 at 20:35:32
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    Here's as much data as I can give you. This happened on a prototype CRM we're currently developing for a potential customer. Someone else was working on the solution when this started to occur. Here's his comment:

    "I tried to create a basic dashbaord for the demo and it started to occur. I took away the access to sys dashboard  App for Outlook Dashboard for the esc agent [a user with a specific privilege set] and it looks to have fixed the issue."

  • Dhasara Devi G N Profile Picture
    356 on 07 Aug 2019 at 19:27:44
    RE: "App for Outlook is the App Module for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This action is not applicable."

    Hi.. Did you resolve this issue? I am facing the same issue, and it happens for system admin users also.

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