Sales forum Filter By not working on Numerical Columns

Last replied Posted on by Tamara Sagert 8

Recently we have been getting the following error when trying to filter in numerical columns.  It will not allow people to put in a number, yet w...

Sales forum onsave handler: preventDefault() does not cancel form save in Sales Hub

Last replied Posted on by Toby Dimmick 10

We have a form, for the appointment entity, for which we've registered an onsave-handling function. The intent is to display a confirmation dialog to the user when certain fields have been modified. To do this, the function cancels the initial...

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Sales forum Is there somewhere I can request to have a standard font added?

Last replied Posted on by EricOwens 5

We are using Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise and we need an OCR font available in reports. I haven't been able to get this font to work and through research it seems as though this font is not installed in the version of Dynamics we are using. I...

Sales forum Best practices and How TO's on move CRM Security Roles to SharePoint

Last replied Posted on by Gmanunta81 315

Hello, We are investigating about the best practices, tools, How to's regarding the migration of the security roles from CRM to SharePoint, our goal is: a user with documents(Stored in SharePoints) linked in DYN365CE V9 can see only his docume...

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Sales forum Add Custom Font for Emails

Last replied Posted on by JB-23070923-0 7

How do I add a custom font to my emails in Dynamic 365 Sales? I have been using the support ticket process with Mircrosoft but it doesn't provide a...

Sales forum Position Hierarchy

Last replied Posted on by dynamic12345688 2

I want to allow people at the top hierarchy level to view, edit, update, and delete each other's records. For example, I have two levels: Advisory M...

Sales forum MB-210 exam question

Last replied Posted on by hlynn11 35

I just signed up for this exam to get my certification and I am a bit nervous. Is there any links or information where I can find out what to study and what will be on the exam? I took the CRM bootcamp in march but this would be my first big exam....

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Sales forum How to clone record with child records in custom entity

Last replied Posted on by M. N. Quraishi 315

Hello Everyone,I have a requirement that I have to clone the record of the custom entity and all it's child records which are related. I'm able to clone the record but unable to understand how to clone it's child record and link them. ...

Sales forum 302 (The response is not in a JSON format) error in Power Automate for SSRS report

Last replied Posted on by Tapaswini Sabat 5

Hi, I have created a flow to send SSRS report in PDF format. However, I'm getting the below error with HTTP GET request to download the PDF. {   "error": {     "code": 302,  &nb...

Sales forum Recent Items View?

Last replied Posted on by Scott Lindsoe 25

The Recent Items view only shows 10, is there a way to show more?  Is the Recent Items an entity perhaps like the Activity entity where it is summarizing things that were recently touched?  It would be nice if it was so I could create cu...


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