I was working on the item card and found that the value in Inventory field and Net Invoiced qty field are different, The value in Net Invoiced qty in showing negative value as shown in screenshot, In the item ledger entries value is 136, can any one please guide me what was the root cause for this issue.
Yes i have cross checked the item ledger in the ledger entries values and found there are 3 entries which does not have equal quantity and invoiced quantity all of them are positive or negative adjustment but still the value are not correct there is a sum difference can you please suggest some solution for that
This is not necessarily an issue. Both fields are calculated from item ledger entries, but Inventory reflects the total quantity at hand, while Net Invoiced Quantity - as the name suggests - only invoiced quantity. This difference means that your sales orders have been invoiced, whilst some purchase orders are likely posted as received, but not invoiced. Click on any of these values, the drill down will take you to the list of item ledger entries where you can check which entries cause the difference (look for those where Quantity is not equal to Invoiced Quantity). This will lead you to uninvoiced documents.
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