Hello All,
I am trying to set up a buy 3 get 30% off using quantity discounts. I created a quantity discount with Discount type = 'Discount %' , Minimum Qty = '3.00' and Discount percentage as '30%'
Specific promo will contain items from different categories, e.g. skirts-blouses-jeans, if you get total 3 items no matter which category you will get 30% off
Customer can choose either 3 skirts or 2 skirts & 1 blouse or 1 skirt& 1 blouse & 1 jean
Unfortunately the Quantity discount is applied only if I choose 3 items of the same category
Maybe there is a set up that I miss Pls help! We use 10.0.41 version
Thank you in advance,
Dionysia Karydi