One of our customers would like to create purchase orders with the same item number on several lines.
So, for example we have a PO with 3 rows like this:
- Line 10 - Item A - 10 PCS - 2025-03-31
- Line 20 - Item A - 20 PCS - 2025-02-31
- Line 30 - Item A - 30 PCS - 2025-01-31
So far so good, while setting up the mobile device we could utilize Purchase order item receiving or Purchase order line receiving.
We've also setup detours so that it's possible to lookup Purchase order lines after the end user has entered the Purchase order number.
Purchase order item receiving
While receiving we use our detour that auto submits the purchase order number and can bring back the item number. However, we were supposed to receive Line 30 (which was also selected during the detour).
When we get back to our menu item for Purchase order item receiving we observe that the Warehouse app has selected line 10 instead and I'm forced to receive this line.
Of course this might not be something that the end user observe so it just automatically happen and it needs to be corrected later.
Problem: I can't decide what line to receive and/or the detour doesn't allow me to bring back the line number from what was selected.
Purchase order line receiving
Same scenario as above and this can actually work, I would select any of above lines during the detour however, now I'm forced to enter a Line number as a next step again. Minor issue if you receive a small amount of PO's, but having hundreds of PO lines every day makes this inefficient and would force the user to go back and forth into the detour for viewing purchase order lines to determine the Line number to be received.
Problem: Inefficient for high volume receiving where we still need to receive line by line due internal processes and other limitations stopping us from Load/LP receiving and/or ASN's.
Question: Does anyone know if this can be done efficient or are we forced to enter PO Line or go with a development on the detour bringing back the PO Line as well?