I have set up master data synchronization for a customer and it works well for tables that does not contain data that is sometimes deleted but when it comes to price lists and price list lines I have some issues.
The price lists are subject to regular changes, for example price list lines can be removed/deleted and that must be reflected in the company that is pulling the data from the master company.
I don't quite understand the question, is the problem the frequency with which the data is updated? If you want greater agility, you can either review the configured job queues, or find another way to synchronize them, it could be through APIs.
Thanks for your answer, now I know that it is not possible to delete records in the table that pulls the data. We will have to build an addon to solve that.
I now manually deleted all records in the reveiving table (price lines) and started the syncronisation again but then I get the following error message:
"The Price List Line record cannot be updated because it is coupled to a deleted record."
Unless this functionality has changed since first available I don't believe you can delete records in the table that pulls the data, the data sync always takes the information from the source table and updates the company from there. See this link below.
I would think that to delete records in the subsidiary table you would need to develop an extension to handle this.
Hope that helps,
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