To always enable or to not, is something I am always fighting with.
As you are probably aware, when making a new environment there is the option to enable dynamics 365 apps.
Regardless if you enable this setting when making the environment, it is Dataverse (Rebranded from CDS), the same engine behind the scenes. As fair as I am aware. Yet this decision is irreversible to even add later on. Why is this the case?
As stated on Microsoft's article "Posts require a Dynamics 365 app, such as an app for Dynamics 365 Customer Service." So I create two environments with and without Dynamics 365 enabled. It appears to be the case, you cant find posts anywhere in the timeline GUI to utilize this feature. But the kicker is that in the environment without D365 enabled, the schema shows all the same entities that control the post functionality are available (Image #1). The only thing different when you compare both schemas is that the posts entity, on the non-enabled environment, does not have all the Navigation Property's for each regarding entity as the enabled environment has. Thus, when you go to make try to create a record on the Posts entity, it will always fail because you can't set the regarding. This is not true for everything as the non-enabled environment has only around 500 entities while the enabled environment has around 1000.
Image #1 (D365 Disabled)
Image #2 (D365 Enabled)
When comparing more between the environments I also pulled all the D365 app that came initially installed from the admin center into a list. Below shows the only difference between the two. Each of these shows available to install on the non-enabled D365 environment. In my research the Unified Routing is what controls the posts. Could be wrong about that but thinking, maybe these are what make up the D365 environment I started to download. This was not successful for each as I get dependence errors. Below is my error when trying to download "Unified Routing - Assignment".
Unified Routing - Assignment error:
Solution manifest import: FAILURE: The following solution cannot be imported: msdyn_AgentAvailabilityStatus. Some dependencies are missing. The missing dependencies are : <MissingDependencies><MissingDependency><Required type="2" schemaName="msdyn_name" displayName="Name" parentSchemaName="msdyn_capacityprofile" parentDisplayName="Capacity Profile" solution="UnifiedRouting (" /><Dependent type="10" schemaName="msdyn_capacityprofile_msdyn_agentcapacityprofileunit_capacityprofileid" displayName="msdyn_capacityprofile_msdyn_agentcapacityprofileunit_capacityprofileid" parentSchemaName="msdyn_capacityprofile" parentDisplayName="Capacity Profile" /></MissingDependency><MissingDependency><Required type="2" schemaName="msdyn_name" displayName="Name" parentSchemaName="msdyn_presence" parentDisplayName="Presence" solution="OmnichannelBase (" /><Dependent type="10" schemaName="msdyn_presence_msdyn_agentstatus_currentpresenceid" displayName="msdyn_presence_msdyn_agentstatus_currentpresenceid" parentSchemaName="msdyn_presence" parentDisplayName="Presence" /></MissingDependency><MissingDependency><Required type="1" schemaName="bookableresourcecharacteristic" displayName="Bookable Resource Characteristic" solution="msdynce_Scheduling (" /><Dependent type="92" displayName="Microsoft.Dynamics.OmnichannelReferenceDataSyncPlugins.Plugins.PostOperationUpdateBookableResourceCharacteristicsAsyncPlugin: Update of bookableresourcecharacteristic" id="{16289786-b035-ee11-bdf4-000d3a5ac1a9}" /></MissingDependency><MissingDependency><Required type="1" schemaName="bookableresourcecharacteristic" displayName="Bookable Resource Characteristic" solution="msdynce_Scheduling (" /><Dependent type="92" displayName="Microsoft.Dynamics.OmnichannelReferenceDataSyncPlugins.Plugins.PostOperationCreateBookableResourceCharacteristicsAsyncPlugin: Create of bookableresourcecharacteristic" id="{7c4b5e7b-bc31-ee11-bdf3-000d3a34e8d2}" /></MissingDependency><MissingDependen...
Agent Productivity Tools |
appprofilemanager |
Dynamics 365 ChannelExperienceApps |
Dynamics 365 Channel Integration Framework |
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Analytics |
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligence |
Dynamics 365 Sales Conversation Intelligence |
Dynamics 365 Sales, Enterprise Edition App |
Dynamics Sales Embedded Package |
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Hub |
Omnichannel for Customer Service - Base |
Omnichannel for Customer Service - CCaaS APIs |
Power Apps App Copilot PVA Bot |
Power Apps SharePoint Integration App |
Power Pages CRM Core |
Unified Routing - Assignment |
Unified Routing for Records |
With all that... Is there any harm in always enabling? Why do Auto-Posts not work in none D365 enabled when all the resources are there? If I don't enable D365, am I missing out on usable feature (like the Posts)? If I do enable, am I taking away something that only the non-enabled had?
Let me know your thoughts on this and if you have any question about my rambling let me know.