Hi all
I was playing with the Job Queue for Recurring Sales Line Invoices, and it seems like the functionality is lacking, or I'm not understanding something.
You can create a job queue entry to run report 172: Create Recurring Sales Line Invoices. The issue is that the report requires both an order date and posting date:
1. If you enter i.e. 01-01-25 for both order date and posting date
2. Include a code filter
3. Set Next Run Date on job queue to be CM+1D
4. Run the report today (13-01-2025)
The job queue will run now and create the required invoice(s) with date 01-01-2025, and set next run date to 01-02-2025 - and here is my issue. The report is saved with dates 01-01-2025, so in february it will create the invoices again as intended - but with the wrong dates.
Is there any way, out of the box, for this to actually work? If this doesn't work, they might as well remove the Schedule button from this report..