Is it possible add few purchasng reports like 'Open purchase order lines by delivery date report' and 'Received not invoiced page' to Purchase Order confirmation workspace for External vendor to veiw? I tried with security configuration but how to filter the data to show records only for that Vendor(who is accessing the Vendor portal) and how to add reports? do we need to add these via code/develoment?
Adding SSRS report or List page to Purchase Order Confirmation workspace for External vendor
Hi Alisag09,
It is possible to extend the workspace and add links. Via personalization, there is only an option to add links to forms, not reports. For your requirement you must extend the workspace using a development effort.
For external vendors, there is a security policy in place (XDS) which restricts access to only own vendor, order details, purchase agreements, and more.
In case the report is using the tables part of the security policies, the data is already filtered by default for external vendor contacts. In case a table or view is not added as additional constrained table on the security policy, you must develop a new security policy.
So yes, for your requirement all should be done using development.
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