The InvoiceBatch and Invoice has 1:N relationship.
The report is run from Microsoft Dynamics 365 - V9 ONLINE DEVELOPMENT ENVT from the Run report on the InvoiceBatch. The parent report has only a Tablix that has a subreport inserted with 'Invoice number' sent as the parameter. The grouping is done on the Invoice number and the page break is between each instance of the group.
The dataset is created using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fetch. The fetchXML renders the dataset.
The sub-report runs a full page invoice formatted as below. The sub-report is rendering correctly when ran separately but when the invoice batch report is run- the invoices are not printed and displays the error: "Error: Subreport could not be shown." on each page of the invoice. Say, if there are 5 invoices for an invoice batch- it prints this error message on each page.
For each of the invoices from the Invoice Batch- the below format is printed.