Hello guys.
As the title talk it all. Does any one know what logic that BC will use to display a field in a page if that field is customized by Profile and Personalization?
I have do some tests. Some field that will display with the lastest modify. Example: field A on purchase Order is on the midle of list. I move it to 1st column by customized it through Profile => field A will display at 1st poisition in Purchase Order. Then if i move field A to last poisition in purchase order by customized it through personalization it will display in the last poisition. But some field i move field A to 1st poisition from Profile but it don't display on 1st poisition, it only display on 1st poisition if i use Personalization to move it to 1st poisition. Some field i hide in Personalization but it does't hide. it must be hide in Profile.
So can any one tell me what logic that BC use to display a field when this field is modify by Profile and Personalization?